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Global Investing

Investment Focus

The investment focus of OmniScience Capital is on the US equity markets, the Indian equity markets and Transformative Technology.


US: World's Largest Economy & Equity Market

US is the largest economy in the World with 24% share of the global economy. US equity markets have a 35% share of the global market capitalization.

US is a truly global marketplace with opportunities to pick from an investment universe of technology innovators, disruptors, firms with best corporate governance practices and globally dominant enterprises having operations in developed & fast growing emerging economies.

The US markets provide a global exposure with 40% revenue of the US-listed firms coming from international markets.

The US markets have several fast-growth companies with more than 100 companies growing at a CAGR of 20%+ over last ten years.


India: Fastest Growing Major Economy

India's GDP growth over last ten years has been 13.2%, making it the fastest growing major economy in the World.

India is a resilient economy going through a massive capital expenditure exercise to take on to a high growth trajectory benefiting domestic businesses. India is also home to the largest pool of digital talent and digital service companies.

With a 5-year capex plan of more than INR 100 lac crore (nearly $1.5 trillion), the Indian capital markets are likely to see large investment opportunities to benefit from this capex and economic growth.


Transformative Technologies

The World is going through several transformations. The most important transformation impacting the global economy and lives of practically the whole World population is the Digital Transfomation (DX) based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, Big Data, Cloud, Analytics, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Cybersecurity, Blockchain among other similar technologies.

These transformative technologies are expected to have an impact of more than $100 trillion on the global economy over the next ten years.

New age digital technologies are changing every aspect of the human life and in the process creating a multi-trillion dollar global business transformation opportunity.


Investment Strategies

The following are the 4 core allocation strategies offered by OmniScience Capital:

US Markets

US Multi-cap Allocation

The strategy provides exposure to the largest economy and the largest equity market in the world with the most innovative companies having global presence, best corporate practices and successful business models that are replicated around the world. The strategy creates a SuperNormal Portfolio of US companies with SuperNormal profitability available at SuperNormal Prices significantly below their intrinsic values selected from US’s largest 1500 stocks using the Scientific Investing framework.


US AI Allocation (Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) sits at the heart of disruptive technology infrastructure (AI, IoT, Cloud, 5G, Big Data, Robotics, Analytics, Cybersecurity, etc) and their use cases (Industry 4.0, Autonomous Cars, Virtual Reality, Smart Wearables, etc). This is a direct exposure via a SuperNormal portfolio to the multi-trillion-dollar global business transformation. The portfolio is created from a proprietary investment universe of nearly 200 US-listed companies focused on above technologies.


Indian Markets

India Multi-cap Allocation

The allocation provides exposure to multiple, promising, potentially high-growth segments of the Indian economy. The portfolio companies have strong balance sheets providing sufficient resources to, both, survive during challenging times and capitalize on opportunities to thrive. This portfolio is exposed to 3 different transformative themes, viz., a huge capex of INR 100 trillion over next five years, a shift in global manufacturing supply chain towards India and the global digital transformation tailwind. It is a selective portfolio of SuperNormal Companies at SuperNormal Prices, based on the Scientific Investing framework, chosen from the 1000 largest companies in India.

India Digital Transformation Allocation

New-age digital technologies are changing every aspect of the human society and hence the digital transformation market is expected to grow at ~20% CAGR and give a multi-trillion-dollar impact worldwide well into the next decade. The strategy provides an exposure to a SuperNormal portfolio of Indian digital services companies benefiting from this global theme.


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